Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hello Marion.

The pictur you put for us of you Marion and teacher Argie and her dauther Philipa you went to Harbre brich birthday 75.
Hi Marion.

The man on the picture St Patrick. You put the picture off St Patrick becouse in your country had speshel celebrat day.
Hi Marion.
The Wiggles are an Australian band for children. The Wiggles doing dance and sing for children they have to many albums, vidios, tv series and concerts. The Wiggles sing "Hot potato" its becouse Wiggles went to Nasa, there they made the song.
Hi Marion.

Yes i know all the signs.The signs have in Sydney beach.I have some of signs in my country on beach.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

my class work

The Photo of banana flower. Banana flower is the banana flower of the banana. If you open banana flower you can see inside small flowers that would turn into banna. Banana its vegeteble and same country people use banana flowers for coooking can make nice salad and boil and fry bat preper the banana flower its not easy you have to carefull becouse its the flowers little starchy and bitter.
Banana vegetables came from China, Indonesia,Myanmar(Barma), Philippines, Vietnam and India.
I think Marion took the photo from over sea.